Before You Call for Service Ccont nuedl
Foods dry out
° Foods not covered, wrapped or sealed properly,
Fresh food or freezer compartment temperature
too warm
• Temperature control not set cold enough, Refer to
page 4,
° Warm weather-frequent door openings,
° Door left open for long time,
° Package may be holding door open or blocking air
duct in freezer compartment
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
° Door may have been left ajar or package holding
door open,_
° Too frequent or too long door openings,
° Frost within package isnormal.
Slow ice cube freezing
° Door may have been left ajar.
• Turn temperature of freezer compartment colder
Ice cubes have odor/taste
• Old cubes need to be discarded, Empty ice bin
every 30 days,
o Ice storage bin needs to be washed,
° Unsealed packages in refrigerator and/or freezer
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste to ice
° Interior of refrigerator needs cleaning. Refer to
page 11.
Automatic icemaker does not work
• Icemaker feeler arm in OFF (up) position,
- Water supply turned off or not connected
° Freezer compartment too warm,
° Cubes too small-water shutoff valve connecting
refrigerator to home water line may be clogged_
° Sometimes cubes fuse to the side of the ice mold and
hold the feeler arm in the OFF (up) position, Remove this
ice to restart the icemaker,
° Piled up cubes in storage bin may cause icemaker to
shut off prematurely, With icemaker feeler arm in OFF
(up) position, level cubes in bin by hand,
° When reaching for cubes by hand, you may have
p_shed the feeler arm into the OFF (up) position by
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
• Not unusual during periods of high humidity,
• Move Power Miser Switch to the right (see page 4)_
Moisture collects inside
• Too frequent or too long door openings,
• In humid weather, air carries moisture into refrigerator
when doors are opened,
Refrigerator has odor
o Food with strong odors should be tightly covered
° Check for spoiled food,
o Interior needs cleaning, Refer to page 11
° Keep open box of baking soda in refrigerator;
replace every three months,
Interior light does not work
• No power at outlet
o Light bulb needs replacing, See page 13o