i i i i_ll . i
Enginecontinues to run
when operator leaves seat
with attachment clutch
Poor cut - uneven
Mower blades will not
Poor grass discharge
Headlight(s) not working
(if so equipped)
Batterywill not charge
i =
1. Faultyoperator-safetypresencecontrolsystem.
1. Worn, bent or loose blade.
2. Mower deck not level.
3. Buildup of grass, leaves, and trash under mower.
1. Checkwiring,switchesand connections,ff not
corrected,contact SearsServiceCenter/Department.
4. Bent blade mandrel.
1. Obstruction in dutch mechanism.
2. Mower drive belt out of adjustment.
3. Wom/damaged mower drive belt.
4. Frozen idler pulley.
5. Frozen blade mandrel.
1. Enginespeedtooslow.
2. Travel speedtoofast.
3, Wet grass.
4. Mowerdecknotlevel.
5. Low/uneventire airpressure.
6. Worn, bentorlooseblade.
4. Replace blade mandrel.
1. Removeobstruction.
2. Adjustmower drivebelt.
3. Replacemower drivebell
4. Replaceidlerpulley.
5. Replaceblademandrel.
1. Placethrottlecontrolin"FAST"position.
2. Shifttoslowerspeed.
3. Allowgrassto dry beforemowing.
4. Levelmowerdeck.
5. Checktires for properair pressure.
6. Replace/sharpenblade. Tightenbladebolt.
7. Buildupofgrass,leavesandtrash undermower.
8. Mowerdrivebeltwornor outof adjustment.
9. Bladesimproperlyinstalled.
10. Improperbladesused.
1. Switch is "OFF'.
2. Bulb(s) burned out.
3. Faulty light switch.
4. Loose or damaged wiring,
5. Blown fuse.
1. Bad battery cell(s).
2. Poor cable connections.
3. Faulty regulator (if so equipped).
7. Cleanundersideof mowerhousing.
8. Replace/adjustmowerdrivebelt.
9. Reinstallbladessharpedge down,
10. Replacewithbladeslistedinthismanual.
1. Turn switch "ON".
2. Replace bulb(s).
3. Check/replace light switch.
4. Check wiring and connections.
5. Replace fuse.
1. Replacebattery.
2. Check/cleanallconnections.
3. Replaceregulator.
1. Replace blade. Tighten blade bolt.
2. Level mower deck.
3. Clean underside of mower housing.