Engine cont_,naes to tun
when operator leaves seat
with attachment clutch
Poor cut- Uneven
_ =
Mower blades will not
Poor grass discharge
Headlight(s) not working
(if so equipped)
Battery will not charge
Loss of drive
Engine "backfires"
when turning engine
... - .......................
I. Faulty operato_osafetyp_esencecontrol system.
1. Worn, bent or loose biade.
2, Mowe_ deck not level
3. Buildup of grass, Ieaves, and trash under mower.
4, Bent Made ma_drel,
5. Ctogged mower deck vent hotes from buildup of
grass, leaves, and trash around mandrels,
1. Obstruction in clutch mechanism.
2. Worn/damaged mower ddve belt.
3. Frozen idler pulley.
4. Frozen blade mandreĀ£
1, Engine speed too slow,
2. Travel speed too fast.
3, Wet grass.
4. Mower deck not level.
5. Low/uneven tire air pressure.
6. Worn, bent or loose blade,
7, Buildup of grass, leaves and trash under mower,
8. Mower drive beJt worn.
9. Blades improperly installed.
10. Improper btades used.
11, Clogged mower deck vent hotes from buildup of
grass, teaves, and trash around mandrels.
!. Switch is "OFF".
2. Butb(s) burned out.
3. :aulty light switch
4 Loose or damaged wiring.
5 3town fuse.
1 Bad battery cell(s).
2. Poor cable connections.
3. Faulty regulator (if so equipped}.
4 Faulty alternator.
I. Freewheel control in "disengaged" position.
2 Motion drive belt worn, damaged, or oroKen.
& Air trapped in transmission during shipment
or servicing.
t Engine throttle contro} not set at "SLOW"
position for 30 seconds before stopping engine.
1. Check widng, switches and connectionS. {f not
corrected, contact an authorized service center/
i. Replace biade. Tigb.ten biade bolt,
2, Level mower deck.
3. Clean underside of mower housing.
4. Replace b_de mandrel
5. Clean around m_ndre_s to open vent holes.
1. Remove obstruction.
2. Replace mower dnve belt.
3. Replace idler pulley.
4. Replace biade mandrel
1. Place throttle control in "FAST" position.
2. Shiftto slower speed.
3. Allow grass to dry before mowing,
4. Level mower deck.
5. Check tires for proper air pressure: ......
6. Replace/sharpen blade. Tighten blade be_t.
7. Clean underslde of mower housing.
8, Replace mower drive belt.
9. Reinstall b_ades sharp edge down.
10. Replace with blades listed in this manual.
1t. Clean around mandrels to open vent holes.
1. Turn switch "ON".
2. Replace bulb(s).
3. ChecWreplace I_ghtswitch.
4 Check wiring and connections.
5. Replace fuse.
I Reelace battery.
2. Check/clean eli connections.
9. Rer31ace regulator
4 Re_lace alternator,
I Place treewheer control in 'engaged" position
2. Reolaoe motion drive belt.
3. Purge transmission.
Move throttle control to "SLOW" ooeition and altow
re idle for 30 seconds before stopping engine