(l)Disconncct the VHF coaxial amcnna cable and the
UHF flat twin-lead antenna cable from the back of
your "IV set.
(2)Reconnect those cables to a UHF/VHF combiner
(not supplied).
(3)Connect end of the UHF/VHF combiner to the ANT.
IN terminal of the VCR.
(4)Connect onc end of the COAXIAL CABLE (sup-
plied) to the ANT. OUT terminal of the VCR.
(5)Connect the other end of the COAXIAL CABLE
(supplied) to a UHF/VHF separator (not supplied).
(6)Connect the separator's coaxial end to the TV's
VHF jack, and fiat twin-lead end to the TV's UHF
UHF (300ohm)
VHF (75ohm} O
(6) UHF/VHFseparator
(not supplied)
(l)Disconncct tile indoor VHF/UHF antenna cable
from the back of your TV set.
(2)Reconnect the cable to the ANT. IN terminal of the
(3)Connect one end ot the COAXIAL CABLE (sup-
plied) to the ANT. OUT terminal of the VCR.
(4)Connect the other end of the COAXIAL CABLE
(supplied) to the antenna/cable jack of your TV.
_, /INDOOR VH F/UHFAntenna
Rabbit Type (not supplied)
[Back ofthe TV] :i_"_
NOTE: The connection of an indoor antenna to a VCR may not always give acceptable TV Reception.
"***** 5CI6