Energy-Saving Tips
• Don't open the doors more often than necessary
• C_osethe doors as soon as possible, particularly in hot,
humid weather
• Keep the Power Miser Switch in the left position unless
moisture forms on the cabinet in hot, humid weather
• Be sure the doors are closed tightly Before leaving the
house or retiring for the night, check to be sure the doors
haven't been left open accidentally
• Store only those foods requiring refrigeration in your
• Wipe moisture from bottles and cartons before putting
themin the refrigerator
• Keep foods covered to reduce moisture buildup inside
the refrigerator
• if you turn the controls to the coldest position for quick
chilling or freezing, be sure to turn them back to regular
• Don't overcrowd your refrigerator Overcrowding can
require extra electrical energy to keep everything cool
Before You Call for Service
Save time and money Check this listof causes of minor
operating problems you can correct yourselfr
Refrigerator does not operate
• May be in defrost cycle when motor does not operate
for about 35 minutes
• Temperature control in OFF position
• If interior light is not on, refrigerator may not be
plugged in at wai! outlet
• If plug issecure and refrigerator fails to operate, plug
lamp or small appliance into same outlet to determine if
there istripped circuit breaker or burned out fuse
Motor operates for long periods
• Modern refrigerators with more storage space and a
larger freezer compartment require more operating time
. Normal when refrigerator is first delivered to your
home-usually requires 24 hours to completely cool
. Large amounts of food placed in refrigerator to be
cooled or frozen
Vibration or raffling
• if refrigerator vibrates, more than likely it is not resting
solidly on the floor The front roller screws need adjusting,
or floor isweak or uneven
• ff dishes vibrate on shelves, try moving them Slight
vibration is normal
Operating sounds
• The high speed compressor motor required to maintain
near zero temperatures in the large freezer compartment
may produce higher sound levels than your old
• Normal fan air flow-one fan blows cofd air through the
refrigerator and freezer compartments-another fan cools
the compressor motor
• These NORMAL sounds wiit also be heard from time to
-Defrost timer switch clicks at defrost
-Defrost water dripping
-Temperature control clicks ON or OFF
• Hot weather-frequent door openings
• Door left open
• Temperature controls are set too cold
• Condenser needs cleaning
Motor starts & stops frequently
-Refrigerant boiling or gurgling
-Cracking or popping of cooling coils caused by
expansion and contraction during defrost and
refrigeration following defrost
-Ice cubes dropping into the bin and water running in
pipes as icemaker refills
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
• Temperature control starts and stops motor to maintain
even temperatures This is normal
• Normal air flow cooling motor in the refrigeration
process, it isnormal that heat be expelled in the area
under the refrigerator Some floor coverings will discolor
at these normal and safe operating temperatures Your
floor covering supplier should be consulted if you object
to this discoloration