9. Game Settings and Game Test
Dip Switch Settings: * - Factory Default Settings
Level A Scoring: SW1-Off SW2-Off [approximately 1 in 10 win ratio]
*Level B Scoring: SW1-On SW2-Off [approximately 1 in 15 win ratio]
Level C Scoring: SW1-Off SW2-On [approximately 1 in 20 win ratio]
Level D Scoring: SW1-On SW2-On [approximately 1 in 25 win ratio]
There are four levels of “skill”. This means that there are four levels of scoring tables. The level A
scroring table is the easiest with the game posting lower scores to beat [in addition to high scrores] while
the level D scroring is mostly high scores to beat making the game much more difficult. When a game is set
for example, on the level B scoring table which is the factory setting, then the game only posts scores from
tables B-C-D in order to control the “skill” required to beat the score posted. The game posts scores to beat
from any tables above the setting chosen in addition to the table chosen but will not post scores lower then
the table chosen.
When a capsule is won, the game software will automatically adjust the difficulty level up or down
within the Level Scroring tables [begining with the table chosen in the dip switch setting] to reach the de-
sired approximate win ratio.
All scores posted by the software in the “Score to Beat” [or match] in order to win a capsule are
100% attainable by the Player at all times. There is NEVER a score which cannot be won.
*1 credit required: SW3-Off
2 credit required: SW3-On
Game Operation:
*Normal operation: SW7-Off
Factory Reset: SW7-On
Auger Down
Volume Down
Volume Up
Auger Up
Note: Switches can be used only with the
door open, so the door switch must be con-
nected to perform these 4 functions.
Dip Switches
Game Settings