
2. Turn the crown to set the 24-hour and minute hands
to the time in the "different time zone area" you wish
to set.
* Only the 24-hour and minute hands are to be set at
this stage. The hour hand is to be set later so it is not
necessary to adjust the hour hand yet, even if it is in-
dicating the wrong time.
* The date may be altered depending on the position of
the hour hand, however it should not cause any con-
cern since it can also be adjusted later.
* Set the minute hand ahead of the time and then slow
ly turn it back to the desired time.
4. Pull out the crown to the first click.
To set the 24-hour hand to the
time in New York while setting
the hour/minute hands to indicate
the time in London.
When the time in London is
10:00 A.M., it is 5:00 A.M. in
New York.
Set the 24-hour hand to indicate
“5” on the 24-hour scale (the
2.5 o’clock position), while the
minute hand is pointing at the “0”
minute position.
* The time difference adjust-
ment function serves only
for a time in a “different time
zone area” where the time
difference from the time in
London is represented in one-
hour increments.
3. Push the crown back in simultaneously with a time
* The setting of the 24-hour, minute and second hands
to the time in the “ different time zone area” is now
6. Push the crown back in upon completion of time set-
* Also, adjust the date at this point if necessary.
* The moment the date changes is midnight. When
setting the hour hand, be sure that AM/PM is set cor-
* Turn the crown slowly, checking that the hour hand
moves in one-hour increments.
* When adjusting the hour hand, the other hands may
move slightly. However, this is not a malfunction.
5. Turn the crown to set the hour hand to the current
hour. (In this example, the current hour in London.)