When operating on public roads, have
consideration for other road users. Pull to the side
of the road occasionally to allow all following
traffic to pass. Do not exceed the legal speed limit
set in your country for agricultural tractors. Always
stay alert when transporting the tractor and
implement on public roads. Use caution and
reduce speed if other vehicles or pedestrians are
in the area. OPSU- 0022
Reduce speed before turning or applying the
brakes. Ensure that both brake pedals are locked
together when operating on public roads. OPS-U-
Hauling the Tractor and Implement
Before transporting a loaded tractor and
implement, measure the height and width
dimensions and gross weight of the complete
loaded unit. Ensure that the load will be in
compliance with the legal limits set for the areas
that will be traveled through. OPS-U- 0024
AGM 52-62-72-82 10/10
Operation Section 4-43
© 2010 Alamo Group Inc.