Operation Section 4-14
FM84A 09/03
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
Shorten the driveline profiles as follows:
1. Remove the driveline from the tractor.
2. Position the mower (Lift and Semi-Mount Type-
raise and lower/Pull Type-turn sharply) to the point
with the shortest distance between the tractor PTO
shaft and cutter gearbox. Shut down the tractor
and securely block the mower in this position.
3. Pull driveline apart and reattach yoke to PTO shaft.
4. Hold driveline sections parallel to one another and
measure back 1” from yoke of each shaft and place
mark on opposite section. Cut this length off with
a saw.
5. Round off all sharp edges and debur.
6. Thoroughly grease then reinstall the driveline.
7. Recheck for proper operation.
“Bottoming Out” Check Procedure
1. Disconnect driveline from the tractor and slide the
profiles together until fully compressed.
2. Place a mark on the inner shield 1/8” from the
end of the outer shield.
3. Reattach the driveline to the PTO shaft.
4. Lift and Semi-Mount Type-Raise the mower/ Pull
Type-Turn sharply and watch the driveline as it
approaches the mark. If the distance between the
mark and the outer shield becomes less than 2” at
any point, the driveline must be shortened.
Driveline in maximum compressed position.
Engagement Check Procedure
1. With the driveline attached, position the mower to the point where the telescoping driveline is at its maximum
extension. Turn off the tractor and securely block the mower at this position.
2. Mark the inner shield 1/8” from the end of the outer shield.
3. Disconnect the driveline from the tractor and separate the two driveline halves.
4. Measure the distance from the mark to the end of the inner profile. This length is the amount the driveline
profiles were engaged.
5. If the engaged length is less than 12”, the shaft is considered too short and should be replaced with a longer
shaft. Consult an authorized dealer to purchase the required driveline length.
NOTE: When raising the mower, at least 1” clearance must be maintained between the driveline and the mower
deck. If necessary, place an upper lift stop on the 3-point hitch control lever to limit the height the mower can be