Configuring the Radio Control Board
The radio control board provides the audio interface, level set, audio mixing, local
telemetry (key up and CW ID) generation, serial radio control interface, extra user
programmable open collector outputs. One RCB is required for every radio or VOIP
computer in the system. Each RCB is configured to have one of several "personalities"
including a repeater, RF link, remotely controlled base station, or VOIP computer.
Basic Checklist
Make sure all RCB board jumpers are properly set.
JU1 - RX Port Select
have one (and only one) jumper installed in this block. It must correspond
to the port you want to assign this board from 0 to 7.
No two boards can have the same rx port select value.
JU2 - CPU Address
install jumpers in the address header to match the port assignment. This
should be the same vale as the jumper installed in the Rx Port Select information above.
8 4 2 1
0 out out out out
1 out out out IN
2 out out IN out
3 out out IN IN
4 out IN out out
5 out IN out IN
6 out IN IN out
7 out IN IN IN
JU 3 - DTMF Filter Bypass
Default. Takes the rx audio through a bandpass filter before it goes to the
DTMF decoder.
IN: Bypass the DTMF filter and dirve the audio directly into the DTMF decoder.
JU4 - Local (NO)
OUT: Default
IN: Install the jumper to enable the open collector output of Q2 to drive the "local
COR" input on the local CPU.