The QSA Global, Inc. Model 880 Delta, Sigma and Elite radiographic exposure
devices provide innovation to the most widely used family of radiographic exposure devices
utilized for on-site gamma radiography. The Model 880 series exposure devices are portable,
lightweight and permit use of several different isotopes commonly needed by the
nondestructive testing community.
The Model 880 is primarily designed for use with Iridium-192 sources for radiographic
inspection of steel and light alloys. Due to the advancements in radiographic inspection
techniques, additional source assemblies for the Model 880 are available with Selenium-75,
Ytterbium-169 and Cobalt-60. The use of these isotopes increases the capabilities of gamma
inspection techniques of specific materials by using a wider range of radiation energies to
achieve required inspection sensitivity.
The tubular stainless steel case of welded construction contains a cast radiation shield of
depleted uranium. One end of the exposure device houses a locking mechanism mounted
to the back plate from which the source assembly connector is accessible during usage.
The opposite end of the exposure device houses an outlet port mechanism which is
mounted to the front plate. The outlet port mechanism allows attachment of source guide
tube (projection sheath) without an elevation of radiation levels.
The Model 880 Delta may be used with suitable source assemblies up to a maximum activity
for the following listed isotopes:
Iridium-192: 150Ci (5.55TBq)
Ytterbium-169: 20Ci (0.74TBq)
Selenium-75: 80Ci (2.96TBq)
Cobalt-60: 0.065Ci (2.4GBq)
The Model 880 Sigma may be used with suitable source assemblies up to a maximum
activity for the following listed isotopes:
Iridium-192: 130Ci (4.81TBq)
Ytterbium-169: 20Ci (0.74TBq)
Selenium-75: 80Ci (2.96TBq)
Cobalt-60: 0.025Ci (925MBq)
The Model 880 Elite may be used with suitable source assemblies up to a maximum activity
for the following listed isotopes:
Iridium-192: 50Ci (1.85TBq)
Ytterbium-169: 20Ci (0.74TBq)
Selenium-75: 80Ci (2.96TBq)
Cobalt-60: 0.025Ci (925MBq)
A range of remote control units, source guide tubes (projection sheaths), collimators
(beam limiters), service replacement units and accessories are available for these systems.