C4 Manual Rev 7.5.2
7.7 System Operation Commands
7.7.1 SI Select Immediate Mode
This command selects the immediate mode of operation. In immediate mode, a
command is executed immediately when it is received over the interface. If a
previous command is executing, it is canceled. Query or status commands do not
cancel outstanding commands. Command syntax is:
7.7.2 SP Select Program Mode
This command selects the program mode of operation. In program mode,
commands are executed in the order they are sent. The commands are stored in a
command buffer until such time as the controller can execute them. Program
mode (SP) is the default upon entering the Remote mode of operation. Note that
the command buffer is limited in size. Each time a command is sent to the C4 in
program mode, the status and error bytes should be checked for buffer full
condition. The command will not be partially stored. If any of the error bits
related to command acceptance (bits 2, 4, 5, or 6) are set, the command has not
been accepted. Query and status commands are executed immediately in program
mode and do not affect operation command processing. Command syntax is:
7.7.3 PN Select Active (control) Probe
This command selects the probe that will be used for control of the chamber. The
default when entering the Remote mode of operation is probe 1. For single probe
systems, this command is never used although all units are sold capable of
utilizing two probes. Valid probe numbers here are 0, 1 and 2 only. Selecting
probe 0 will initiate Intelligent Two Probe Control. See Section 4. Command
syntax is:
Where n is probe number to use for control