Fantasea has upgraded the housing for the Nikon D-70 and the FD-70N is the result.
Improved features include, embedded optical view finder, enhanced trigger/shutter
control system, new port mounting system, zoom lens capability and separate button for
On-Off control.
Welcome to the exciting world of underwater digital SLR photography. Your purchase of
the FD-70N housing for the Nikon D-70 digital camera will set you apart from other
photographers. With this system, you will enjoy the best chance of capturing the widest
variety of superior underwater images. The FD-70N offers you the opportunity to use the
exact Nikon lenses for the best circumstances, including a choice of macro, wide angle,
fisheye, and zoom lenses. You will find the housing to be easy and instinctive to use and
handle and will have countless dives in which to experiment with the D-70's advanced
imaging capabilities. Fantasea Line Photo is pleased to offer our help with any of your
photographic needs.
The purpose of this manual to is to provide you with the basic introduction to your FD-
70N , which should get you comfortable with the housing and allow you to get started
taking great underwater images right away. We strongly urge you to thoroughly read the
Nikon D-70 instruction manual as well, to familiarize yourself with the most common
controls and settings that you will use for your underwater photography. The FD-70N
housing will permit access to most of the important controls on the camera. To take full
advantage of these features, it is best to have a good command of what each option can
do for you, so you will know when you should use each specific control.