Simrad EQ60
857-164342 / Rev.C
a Enter the desired annotation text into the Text box. A
keyboard must be connected to the echo sounder to
allow this.
b Click OK.
c The text you entered is displayed immediately, but it
will not be repeated.
3 To add the current time as an annotation:
a Under Time, click Active.
b Enter the desired interval (in seconds) between the
c Click OK.
d The annotation will be repeated at the chosen interval
until it is switched off.
4 To add an event annotation:
a Under Event, select a start number.
b Click Increase or Decrease to count the Event number
up or down.
c Click Add Time if you wish the event annotation to
include the current time.
d Click Add Navigation if you wish the event annotation
to include the current position.
e Click the Event buttonontheStatus bar every time
you wish the annotation to be added to the display
and/or print.
Enable external annotations
The echo sounder will accept external text annotations when
these are input on the serial line. This function is permanently
Related topics
→ Annotation, page 70
→ Printer and History, page 100
→ Annotation format, page 71