Hydronic Explorer User 2 Manual
Slant/Fin’s Hydronic Explorer 2 performs fast and accurate heat loss calculations and helps you select the
right boiler, baseboard, and radiant heating components for each job. It is easy to use, and, whether the
job is to provide heating for a single room or for a multilevel structure, the procedure is always the same:
you simply enter the required data for each room, and Hydronic Explorer 2 does the rest.
To further help you in selecting the right equipment, Slant/Fin’s Hydronic Explorer 2 allows you to view
product literature on boilers, baseboard, and radiant tubing with the simple click of your mouse button.
Using Hydronic Explorer 2
Hydronic Explorer 2 requires little computer experience. If you already know how to use a keyboard and
mouse, you are well on your way. If necessary, refer to your computer manual for instructions on how to
operate these devices.
Installing Hydronic Explorer 2
Hydronic Explorer 2 is intended for use on a personal computer using Microsoft Windows. To install, do
the following:
1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. After agreeing to the
terms of use of the software, the Install screen will
automatically appear with Hydronic Explorer 2 Program
already selected. You may also select the product literature
and technical publication files if you wish to install them on
your computer (recommended).
2. Click the Install button. The software will be installed in the
folder shown and the Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 icon will
appear on your desktop.
Install Screen
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