You have filled the sprayer tank and have thoroughly mixed the chemical(s). Your application rate has been
determined as well as the spray tip you will be using, with the sprayer data programmed into the computer.
1. Switch the computer on by depressing the key on the display panel.
2. Toggle the boom switches to their “on” position, for each of the booms on your sprayer.
3. Take note of the “numbered” booms on each side of the sprayer, so that the appropriate boom can be
toggled “off” as necessary.
4. The Auto/Manual key should be switched to “AUTO”.
5. In the Auto mode, when the master boom switch is “off”, the target application rate as well as the
symbol will be displayed in the console display. When the master boom switch is “on”, the actual rate will
be displayed and the symbol will no longer appear.
6. On flow based models, the lower right corner of the display will alternate displays of the application area
(Ac) and the total volume applies. The display will alternate approximately every three seconds.
7. While spraying with the master boom switch “on”, the display window will always display the actual
application rate, vehicle speed, pressure and application area covered/total volume applied simulta-
8. As you enter the field to the point where you will begin spraying, turn the MASTER boom switch to “on”
position. This will activate the spraying operation. Maintain your usual vehicle speed for spraying. Moder-
ate changes in vehicle speed will not affect your application rate, because such changes are compen-
sated by automatic pressure increases or decreases.
9. If for any reason you need to stop, turn the MASTER boom switch to “off”.
10. Alarm warnings can occur momentarily while the pressure regulating valve is searching for a new setting
after the closing of a boom section or other change in normal operation. However, if the alarm stays on
for a longer time, the valve may have reached its limit and your system will be unable to regulate flow
beyond the limit.
1. There may be instances where “on the go” increased or decreased chemical application may be required
in certain areas of your field. In situations like this, the and keys will allow you to easily make
the necessary adjustments. The boost mode can be activated while spraying in the Auto mode by
depressing either the or key once. With each subsequent depression of the key the
application rate will be increased by 10%. Each subsequent depression of the key will reduce the
application rate by 10%.
2. If the or key is depressed once inadvertently during operation, a delay of 3 seconds will deacti-
vate the boost mode. Succeeding presses will change the target rate as explained above.
Example: If increasing the application rate by 10%, depress the key once to activate the boost
mode, and a second time to make the 10% increase.
3. If decreasing the application rate by 10%, repeat the above procedure using the key.