
Frequently Asked Questions
and Answers
Q Will my labels fade over time?
A Labels are made of thermal paper. Heat applied to the paper causes a chemical
reaction to generate black dots at the points where heat was applied. This technique
avoids using messy inks and ribbons. Because the paper is heat-sensitive, it is possible
for a label to darken if exposed to high heat or very bright light for an extended period
of time. It is also possible for certain plasticizers in some plastic binders to cause a
chemical reaction which results in the image fading over time. Placing another
adhesive (perhaps another label) between the vinyl surface and the label may help
minimize this type of fading.
In general, labels will last for years if they aren’t subjected to the above conditions. The
label material is much more stable than fax paper due to the special formulation and
coatings used by Seiko Instruments.
Q How many labels can I save?
A The number of labels you can save is limited only by the amount of disk space in your
Q There are no available serial or USB ports on the back of my computer. What do I do?
A You may wish to add another port to your system. Alternatively you may use a switch
box to share a serial port or a USB hub to extend the number of USB devices that can
be connected.