English / USA
MS 270, MS 270 C, MS 280, MS 280 C
All Versions
: Thread the rope through the top of
the guide bushing (6), pull it through
the rotor (7) and secure it with a
simple overhand knot.
: Coat rope rotor bearing bore with
resin-free oil.
: Slip rotor over the starter post (8) –
turn it back and forth to engage
anchor loop of the rewind spring.
: Fit the pawls (4) in the rope rotor.
: Fit the washer (3) on the starter
: Use a screwdriver or suitable pliers
to install the spring clip (2) on the
starter post and engage it on the
pawls’ pegs – the spring clip must
point clockwise as shown in the
Tensioning the Rewind Spring
: Make a loop in the starter rope and
use it to turn the rope rotor six full
revolutions in the direction of the
: Hold the rotor steady – pull out and
straighten the twisted rope.
: Release the rope rotor.
: Let go of rope slowly so that it winds
onto the rotor.
The starter grip must locate firmly in the
rope guide bushing. If the grip droops to
one side: Increase spring tension by
adding one more turn.
When the starter rope is fully extended it
must still be possible to rotate the rotor
another half turn. If this is not the case,
the spring is overtensioned and could
break. Take one turn of rope off the rotor
in such a case.
: Fit the fan cover on the fan housing.
146BA019 KN
001BA096 KN
146BA007 KN