Wizards > Application Firewall Wizard
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• Blocking Action - reset connection (Web Access, FTP)
• Blocking Action - add block message (FTP)
• Add Email Banner (append text at the end of email) (SMTP)
• Log Only (SMTP, POP3, Web Access, FTP)
Step 9 In the Application Firewall Action Settings screen (if it is displayed), in the Content text box,
type the text or URL that you want to use, and then click Next.
The Application Firewall Action Settin
gs screen is only displayed when you selected an action
in the previous step that requires additional text. For a Web Access policy type, if you selected
an action that redirects the user, you can type the new URL into the Content text box.
Step 10 In the Select Name for Application Firewall Policy screen, in the Policy Name text box, type a
descriptive name for the policy, and then click Next.
Step 11 In the Confirm New Application Firewall Policy Settings screen, review the displayed values for
the new policy and do one of the following:
• To create a policy using the displayed configuration values, click Accept.
• To change one or more of the values, click Back.
In the Application Firewall Policy Wizard Complete screen, to
exit the wizard, click Close.