Updating of Operating Software in the
OSD Positioner
Your OSD Positioner contains software which may be reloaded (updated) by the
use of a computer and a 9 pin serial cable. The procedure for updating your
software to the latest version is as follows:
1. Go to MotoSAT web site to obtain the most current revision of software. The site
is www.motosat.com/osd
2. Select OSD Software and download to a folder of your choice.
3. Select Exec OSD Manual and download to a folder that you can access. Some
changes may affect the way your system currently operates, so you will want to
have the latest manual.
4. Connect your 9 pin serial cable from your computer to the back of the OSD
5. Turn off the OSD Positioner
6. Start HyperTerminal on the computer. This is usually done by going to
a. Start - Programs – Accessories – Communications – HyperTerminal
(Note: make sure that HyperTerminal is setup for XON/SOFF flow control,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, 9600 baud).
7. Turn on the OSD Positioner and press the “*” key within 3 seconds. You will get
some copyright info and a local prompt (local>). If you see nothing, you are
connected to the wrong communications port. If you see, “Main Menu OSD
Diags” you took too long to press the “*” key. Turn the Positioner back off then
on again. The “*” key must be pressed within 3 seconds of the ON button being
8. At the local> prompt, type “eload”. Local> eload will appear. Press “Enter”.
9. In the HyperTerminal menu, select “transfer” and then select “send text file”.
10. Select the file “EeDataNNN.text” where NNN is the version number of the data
being loaded.
11. When finished you will ger the local> prompt back.
12. At the local> prompt, type “fbulk”. Local> fbulk will appear. Press “Enter”.
13. You will get a local> prompt back, at this prompt type “fload”. Local> fload will
appear. Press “Enter”.
14. In the HyperTerminal menu, select “transfer” and then select “send text file”.
15. Select “the file OsdFlashNNN.txt” where NNN is the version number of the data
being loaded.
16. At the local> prompt, type “default”. Press “Enter”.
17. When you get back to the local> prompt, you are done.
Your OSD Positioner now has the latest version of the MotoSAT software loaded. You
are now ready to take advantage of any and all software updates which will affect the
overall performance of your system.