Accessing the Screen Settings
1.Press MENU ..................
2. Select Settings ...............
3. Highlight .......................
4.Press to select ................ _>j
To highlight an option and to change settings, press i, ,I, I. *.
Press @ to confirm the selection.
To exit the Screen, press '_Z_' •
Selecting Screen
"_"Wide Mode is
unavailable while in
Freeze (page 47).
Tile Screen settings include tile following options:
Wide Mode
S(']('_t (I scr(:cn
mode to .se fi)r
4:3 sou r_'es.
Wide Zoom Select to enlarge the 4:3 picture, to fill tile 16:9
screen, keeping the original image as much as
.........................................possible; .................................
Normal Select to return the 4:3 picture to its original
size and aspect ratio.
720p or 1080i sources.
Full Select to enlarge tile 4:3 picture horizontally
only, to fill the display area.
Zoom Select to proportionally enlarge 1080i and
720p sources. For 480p and 480i sources,
Zoom will vertically stretch the image to fill
the screen.
' This W,de Mode option is not available (grayed out) while you r
TV is in PC input mode. For adjusting screen size while in PC
input mode, see ,'PC Wide Mode?.
PC Wide Mode Normal Select to display the picture in its original size.
is greater than 1152 x 648.
Full 1 Select to enlarge the picture to fill the display
area, keeping its original aspect ratio.
the picture.