The cold reset clears data stored in microcomputer’s RAM to ini-
tial conditions.
1. Press three buttons of [x], [A] and [
] on the set simultane-
2. “COLD RESET” appears on the fl uorescent indicator tube. Af-
ter that, the fl uorescent indicator tube becomes blank then the
system becomes standby states.
1. Press the [
] button to turn on.
2. Press three buttons of [
x], [. AMS >, PUSH ENTER]
and [
] on the set simultaneously.
3. All segments turned on.
4. When [x] button on the set is pressed after half segments in
fl uorescent indicator tube light up. If you press [
x] button on
the set again, another half segments in fl uorescent indicator
tube light up. Pressing [
x] button on the set again would cause
all segments in fl uorescent indicator tube light up.
5. Press [N] button on the set, in the key check mode, the fl uo-
rescent indicator tube displays “K0 J0”.
6. Each time an another button is pressed, “KEY” value increas-
es. However, once a button is pressed, it is no longer taken into
account. When all keys are pressed correctly, “K10” and “OK”
are alternately displayed.
7. When the [
. AMS >, PUSH ENTER] dial on the set is
turned in the direction of right,“J0” is changed to “J1”, then ...
“J9”. When the [
. AMS >, PUSH ENTER] dial on the
set is turned in the direction of left, “J0” is changed to “J9”,
then ... “J0”.
8. To release from this mode, press three buttons in the same
manner as step 1.
Note 1: According to the following procedures when you ship it
(Return it to the customer).
1. SERVICE MODE of step 6 and 7
(DVD EEPROM clearness)
Note 2: “DVD” displayed by the test mode shows "super audio
Aging test mode of CDM.
1. Press three buttons of [X], [A] and [
] on the set simultane-
2. After the “Open” display blinks, “SINGLE LOADING” is dis-
played on the fl uorescent indicator tube.
3. Press [
. AMS >, PUSH ENTER] and then aging starts.
4. To stop aging, Press [x] button.
5. To release from this mode, press three buttons of [
X], [A] and
] on the set simultaneously.
When HDMI is connected in this mode, various information is dis-
played on the fl uorescent indicator tube. Refer to the following
table for displayed various information.
1. Press two buttons of [x] and [A] on the set simultaneously for
3 seconds.
2. Various information is displayed on the fl uorescent indicator
3. When [
R] button is pressed of the remote commander. Reboot-
ing emergence fuctor appears of toggle article number on the
fl uorescent indicator tube.
4. When [
t] button is pressed of the remote commander. MTK
communication error factor appears of toggle article number
on the fl uorescent indicator tube.
5. When [r] button is pressed of the remote commander. Power
ON/OFF error factor appears of toggle article number on the
fl uorescent indicator tube.
6. Press the button in order of the [4] t [Time/Text] t [CLEAR]
on the remote commander of attachment.
7. The message “Complete” is displayed on the fl uorescent indi-
cator tube, and DVD EEPROM is cleared.
8. To release from this mode, disconnect the power cord.
Note: Don't press the [
] button when to release from this mode.
Necessarily disconnect the power cord. The set doesn't operate
when turning off power with [
] button of the set.