6.Command Specification LOG SENSE
6-32 SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
6.6.13. MIC Fixed Length Information Page (Sony Unique)
Table 6-34: MIC Fixed Length Information Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Page Code (3Dh)
1 Reserved
2 (MSB) Page Length (n+1)
3 (LSB)
Parameter Code:
Code Description Length
0001h MIC Logical Format Type 4
0002h Device Configuration bits 4
0003h Available free byte count 4
0004h User Volume Note size 4
0005h Reserved 8
0006h Cassette Serial Number, etc. 32
0007h Reserved 32
0008h Reserved 32
0009h Reserved 32
000Ah Reserved 32
000Bh Reserved 32
000Ch Reserved 32
000Dh Reserved 32
000Eh Reserved 32
000Fh Reserved 32
0010h Reserved 32
0011h Reserved 32
0012h Reserved 32
0013h Reserved 32
0014h User Partition Note Map 32
0015h Accumulative System Log 96
0016h Volume Information 96
0017h Element Address 4
0018h User Partition Note size for Partition #0 4
1. Parameter Code 0002h AIT Device Configuration Byte is the same byte value returned in Mode Sense Page
31h byte 2. See page 6-58 paragraph 6.8.1 for a description of the fields in this byte.
2. Parameter Code 0003h Available Free Byte Count represents the current user MIC memory that is available
for writing data to the MIC using the Log Select command through Page 3Eh Parameter Code 0001h, 0002h,
…. 000Nh. If Available Free Byte Count is 1 or higher the application may use exactly that size or smaller to
write MIC User data. If this field is ZERO a Check Condition status is returned if attempts are made to write
data to the MIC. If the application attempts to write data to the MIC that is larger than this field a Check
Condition status will also be returned. In both cases where Check Condition status is returned no data is
written to the MIC.
3. Parameter Code 0014h List of Partitions is a bit map field that represents all 256 partitions. Below is a diagram
of the bit map ordering of the Partition Note data. A "1" in the bit field for the partition indicates there is Partition
Note in MIC; a "0" in the bit field indicates there is no Partition Note in MIC for that partition. As an example, if
partition 0 and partition 1 have Notes data Byte #0 below will be 0C0h, and Byte #1 to #31 will be 00h.