PAGE 50 OF 64 OPERATOR’S MANUAL 1182299 REV 3 (05/05) DRAFT
1186410 Valve Panel for Models 460 (shown)
1186411 Valve Panel for Models 460-2GL/TL
1186412 Valve Panel for Models 460-2GR/TR
1186413 Valve Panel for Models 460-3GL/TL
1186414 Valve Panel for Models 460-3GR/TR
1187353 Valve Panel for Models 460-4GL/TL
1187356 Valve Panel for Models 460-3GR/TR
1186416 Top Valve Panel for Model 460-2RR
1186415 Bottom Valve Panel for Model 460-2RR
1186430 Polypanel for Models 424
1186431 Polypanel for Models 436 (shown)
1186434 Polypanel for Models 436-2GR/TR
N/A Polypanel for Models 436-3G/T
1186435 Polypanel for Models 448
1186436 Polypanel for Models 448-2GL/TL
1186437 Polypanel for Models 448-2GR/TR
1187472 Polypanel for Models 448-3GL/TL
1187473 Polypanel for Models 448-3GR/TR
1186438 Polypanel for Models 460 (shown)
1186439 Polypanel for Models 460-2GL/TL
1186440 Polypanel for Models 460-2GR/TR
1186441 Polypanel for Models 460-3GL/TL
1186442 Polypanel for Models 460-3GR/TR
1187354 Polypanel for Models 460-4G/T
N/A Top Polypanel for Model 460-2RR
1186443 Bottom Polypanel for Model 460-2RR
Base Panels and Drip Pans
3 1180783 Kick Panel for Full Size Ovens (A and D Series)
1180884 Kick Panel for Space Saver Ovens (E Series)
4 1172716 Logo Plate
5 1180743 Side Panel Right
6 1180744 Side Panel Left
* 1182067 Drip Pan 36"(1180759)
1182066 Drip Pan 24"(1182066)
1182700 Drip Pan 12"(1181314)
* not shown on drawing.
Pressure Regulators
* 1160205 Pressure Regulator (Nat) adjustable(for ranges built before October 4, 2000)
* 1160206 Pressure Regulator (LP) adjustable(for ranges built before October 4, 2000)
* 1178815 Pressure Regulator (Nat/LP) (for ranges built after October 4, 2000)
* 1181076 Pressure Regulator (Nat) adjustable(for 460 model only ranges built after April 7, 2003)
* 1181077 Pressure Regulator (LP) adjustable(for 460 model only ranges built after April 7, 2003)