
Step 1. Press “START” button to start running or press the SPEED RAPID KEY or press
“PROGRAM” button to choose P1.
Step 2. Before running, press “ENTER” button to set the count down time. The range is
from 10:00 to 99:00. If users do not set the count down, console will count up
from zero.
Step 3. After running, user can adjust the speed by pressing “FAST/SLOW” and adjust
the incline by pressing “UP/DOWN”. User may press rapid keys to adjust SPEED
and INCLINE also.
Step 4. Press “STOP/RESET” button to stop your workout or pull safety key away from
its position to shut down the computer.
Step 1. Press “PROGRAM” button to choose the P2 ~ P6, every program has a preset
value of speed, incline. The speed profile will be displayed in the major screen.
Step 2. Before running, press “ENTER” button to set the count down time. The range is
from 10:00 to 99:00. If users do not set the count down, console will count up
from zero.
Step 3. Press “ENTER” button again to set maximum speed setting. The range is 8 ~
18Kmph(5~12mph). (Please see the content of profile)
Step 4. Press “START” button to start running, treadmill will adjust the SPEED /INCLINE
in accordance with profile. Profile information is discussed in the content of
profile section.
Step 1. Press “PROGRAM” button to choose the H1~H2.
Step 2. Before running, press “ENTER” to set count down time. The range is from 10:00
to 99:00. If users do not set the count down, console will count up from zero.
Step 3. Press “ENTER” button to set “AGE”. The range is from 10 to 99 and presetting
value is 30.
Step 4. Press “ENTER” button to set “H.R.C”. The range is from 60 to 220.
H1 = (220-age)*60% = TARGET HEART RATE