7. Type 2, and you are prompted to enter the IP address of the
server where the file is located. Enter the IP address.
8. Type 3, and you are prompted to enter the IP address of the
switch. Enter the IP address.
9. If desired, you may select 7 to ping the server and test its
status before beginning the download.
10. Type 6 to begin the TFTP download. A warning message is
displayed followed by the prompt: “START TFTP DOWN-
LOAD? (Y/N).”
11. Type Y to start the download. Progress messages will
appear, the last one being: “TFTP Download Successful.”
12. Press any key to return to the TFTP Loader Menu.
13. Press Esc to return to the Boot Menu.
14. Type 3 to restart the system.
>>>> TFTP Loader Menu <<<<
1. Select TFTP File Name [ Not Configured ]
2. Configure TFTP Server IP Address [ Not Configured ]
3. Configure Switch IP Address [ 170.129. 78. 29 ]
4. Configure Default Gateway IP Address [ 170.129. 78. 29 ]
5. Configure Subnet Mask [ 255.255.255. 0 ]
6. Start TFTP Download
7. PING TFTP Server
<ESC> To Exit Menu
Enter Selection:
Figure 5-18. TFTP Loader Menu