Value Meaning
(Swedish) or LKA (Katakana).
LOE OFF ON OFF Lockout Enable. Enables/disables lockout function.
LOI 001 999 001 Lockout ID. Lockout override identification number.
MDL 1 2 N/A TBT = 2--
TBTx = 2CH
QKS 0 9999 0 Quick Start. Number of times the Quick Start program was run since last
MNL 0 9999 0 Manual. Number of times the Manual program was run since last reset.
BRN 0 9999 0 Burn Calories. Number of times the Burn Calories program was run since last
INC 0 9999 0 Increase Endurance. Number of times the Increase Endurance program was
run since last reset.
CHR 0 9999 0 Constant Heart Rate. Number of times the Constant Heart Rate program was
run since last reset.
DHR 0 9999 0 Dynamic Heart Rate. Number of times the Dynamic Heart Rate program was
run since last reset.
BNF 0 9999 0 Burn Fat. Number of times the Burn Fat program was run since last reset.
FIT 0 9999 0 Fitness Test. Number of times the Fitness Test program was run since last
CAL 0 9999 0 Calorie Goal. Number of times the Calorie Goal program was run since last
DIS 0 9999 0 Distance Goal. Number of times the Distance Goal program was run since last
AUT 0 9999 0 Auto Pilot. Number of times the Auto Pilot program was run since last reset.
KYD 0 9999 0 Key Down. The number of times a “Key Down” condition occurred since last
DSP N/A N/A N/A Display Test. Access to integral Display Test function (for use by authorized
Maintenance Technician).
KPT N/A N/A N/A Keypad Test. Access to integral Keypad Test function (for use by authorized
Maintenance Technician).
HRT N/A N/A N/A Heart Rate Test. Access to integral Heart Rate Test function (for use by
authorized Maintenance Technician).
STAR TRAC S-TBTx TOTAL BODY TRAINER perform a self-test at the beginning of every workout. If a problem is detected,
a message displays before or after the workout, depending on the nature of the problem. Star Trac recommends that you refer
your questions about your STAR TRAC S-TBTx TOTAL BODY TRAINER operation and suspected malfunctions to Star Trac’s
Service Hotline at (800) 503-1221, or USA 1-714-669-1660.
The following messages are displayed at the beginning of a workout if the associated problem is detected during self-test.