Menu 8 SPI Enable/Disable & Loopback Test
Range = 0 to 1, Default = 0
When the expanded service menus are enabled, an additional parameter becomes available on
this menu. Set this parameter to
to enable SPI communications. Set it to
to perform an
internal self test. Disconnect all communication cables before performing the internal self-
test; no loopback cable is needed.
Note: To exit the self-test, you’ll need to perform a complete reset:
reapply power to the control while pressing both the
key and DOWN key together simultaneously. All parameters
reset to the factory defaults so make a note of the parameter
settings you want to retain.
If the Series One Plus screen alternates displays of the numbers
, a self test is successful. This condition continues
until you do a complete reset. During the test, the number
continuously transmits out the port. When the controller receives
, it echoes a
Menu 9 SPI Address
Range = 32 to 254, Default = 32
Each auxiliary device on an SPI network must be assigned a unique address to identify it to the
IMM controlling the network. Do not assign the same address to any two auxiliary
machines on the network, or line contention will occur.
Menu 10 SPI Baud Rate
Range = 300 to 19,200 bps, Default = 4,800 bps
The baud rate in bits per second (bps) is the data transmission rate. All units on the network
must be set at the same baud rate. In general, this rate should be set to the fastest common
speed available to the controllers on the network where satisfactory communication occurs.