27892 Front panel with flow chart
83468 CPU 315 (S7)
83809 Battery
83811 OP 7
84156 Fan
84157 Fil ter
Hop per heat ers
Ca ble set heat ing
95828 Tu bu lar heat ing el e ment 230 V, 3 kW
85652 Safety tem per a ture limiter (STB)
Flaps (op tional)
16522 Mo tor flap NW150, com plete
88952 Sealing
16517 Mo tor flap NW80, com plete
88952 Sealing
86376 Mo tor op er a tor 24 V, AD/DC, 50-60 Hz
18232 Air con trol flap
88952 Sealing
84492 Ther mom e ter
STT 1600
93687 Fine-mesh fil ter with fil ter mat (com plete)
93686 Fil ter mat for fine-mesh fil ter
85241 Dig i tal timer (extern, op tional)
86371 Sen sor Pt 100 (3 m) (9.84 ft.)
93303 Sen sor PT 100 (9 m) (29.53 ft.)
10.1. Switching Cab i net and Op er ating Unit
Ob serve spare parts list in the elec tri cal man ual.
STT 1600
Spare parts list 10-5