Note – In this section, Identity Synchronization for Windows locations are described as follows:
where <serverRoot \> represents the parent directory of the Identity Synchronization for
Windows installation location. For example, if you installed Identity Synchronization for
Windows in C:\\Program Files\\Sun\\mps\\isw- example, the < serverRoot \> would be
C:\\Program Files\\Sun\\mps.
Stop all theIdentity Synchronization forWindowsJava processes(Coreand instance
installations) usingone of the followingmethods:
Select Start →Settings → Control Panel →AdministrativeTools → Servicesto open the
Serviceswindow. In the rightpane, right-click on Identity Synchronization forWindows and
select Stop.
Open a Command Prompt window andtype thefollowing command:
net stop “Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows”
If the preceding methods donot work, use the following stepsto stop the Java processes
a. Open the Services window, right-click onIdentity Synchronization forWindows, and
select Properties.
b. From theGeneral tab in thePropertieswindow, select Manual from theStartup type
drop-down list.
Note – Although you can view Java processes (such as pswwatchdog.exe) from the Windows
Task Manager, you cannot determine which processes are specically related to Identity
Synchronization for Windows. For this reason, do not stop processes from the Windows Task
Stop the ChangeDetector service using one of thefollowing methods:
In the Services window,right-click onSun ONE NT Change Detector Service in theright pane
and select Stop.
Open a Command Prompt window andtype thefollowing command:
net stop “Sun ONE NT Change Detector Service”
WhattoDo ifthe1.1Uninstallation Fails
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007136