6-10 Sun Datacenter Switch 3456 Service Manual • August 2008
14. Slowly rotate each retainer drive screw clockwise, until resistance is felt, then
15. Simultaneously rotate the retainer drive screws clockwise, stopping at each half
turn, to maintain synchronization.
During this time, the retainer levers might have moved from the locked position.
Move the levers back to the locked position and continue.
16. Continue synchronized rotation until greater resistance is felt, then stop.
17. Verify that the fabric card is properly seated in the slot.
18. Give each retainer drive screw a final turn to torque.
19. Retract and secure the antitilt bar.
20. Power on and activate the fabric card using the enableboard and activate
21. Verify the operation of the new fabric card.
6.7 Powering On Fabric Cards
After installing a fabric card, use the enableboard command to bring standby
power to the fabric card. For example, to enable fabric card 14:
Once enabled, bring the fabric card up to full power with the activate command.
The activate command also enables routing of links to use the new fabric card.
For example, to activate fabric card 14:
Use the following commands to verify the status of the new fabric card:
■ showpresent
■ checkpwrfault
# enableboard fc 14
fc 14 is now enabled
# activate fc 14
Activating FC 14
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Command issued via IPMB, status = 0 (0x0)
Command executed successfully