Overview of Enterprise Server Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the tools, methods, and information sources available for
troubleshooting Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude. Guidelines for evaluating and
investigating a problem are included.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“Identifying the Problem” on page 13
“Troubleshooting Tools” on page 17
“Where to Go for More Information” on page 19
Identifying the Problem
Application servers are typically deployed in complex and sophisticated operating
environments and involve many technologies, products, and tools. Understanding and
diagnosing problems in a large piece of software with so many components performing so
many tasks can be challenging. This section gets you started, and includes the following topics:
“First Steps” on page 13
“Gathering Information” on page 15
“Examining Log Files” on page 16
“Monitoring the System” on page 17
First Steps
Sometimes the most obvious solutions are overlooked. As you begin your investigation, try the
following steps rst.