Appendix A Environment Specifications A-3
Reliability prediction was done using Issue 6, Method I, Case 3 of the Bellcore
Industrial Reliability program. The prediction assumed 25% operating temperature
with 100% duty cycle, in a ground benign, controlled environment.
■ MTBF: 122,173 hours
■ 2-year limited warranty
A.3 Mechanical
This section includes the mechanical specifications for dimensions and weight.
A.3.1 Board Dimensions and Weight
The switch meets the PICMG 3.0 AdvancedTCA Specification R2.0 ECN002 and
AMC.0 R2.0 for all mechanical parameters.
Mechanical dimensions are shown in the illustration and are outlined in the
following table.
TABLE A-3 Board Dimensions and Weight
Item Dimensions or Weight
PCB 280mmx 322.5mm x2.4mm
Board 8U x 6HP (one slot)
Weight 2.12 kg (without AMCs)