Using Silent Installation
Chapter 2 Installing iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition on Unix 31
The following is an example of an install.inf file.
The following table shows some useful install.inf parameters to edit. For best
results, do not edit any parameters except those listed in the table.
FullMachineName= austen.iplanet.com
SuiteSpotUserID= annh
SuitespotGroup= staff
SecurityCheck= False
RequireDomain= False
ServerRoot= /usr/netscape/server4
Components= WebServer
Upgrade= False
Reinstall= False
AdminPort= 8888
HttpPort= 1888
HttpDocRoot= /usr/netscape/server4/docs
AdminSysUser= annh
AdminName= admin
AdminPassword= password
UgLdapUse= Yes
UgLdapUrl= ldap://test:389/o=siroe.com
UgLdapName= cn=Directory Manager
UgLdapPassword= password
JRE_DIR= /usr/netscape/server4/bin/https/jre
CompVersions= 2:2:1:2:0:0:0:0:0:
Components= nescore,JRE,java,cleanup
Archive= cleanup.zip
Table 2-2 Silent Installation Parameters
Parameter Name Use
FullMachineName The machine name.