Figures xiii
FIGURE 8-3 Sample LOM Device Event Log (Oldest Event Reported First) 8-10
FIGURE 8-4 Locations of Fans 1, 2, 3, and 4 8-23
FIGURE 9-1 Sample LOM Device Event Log (Oldest Event Reported First) 9-7
FIGURE 10-1 Sample obdiag Menu 10-3
FIGURE 10-2 probe-scsi Output Message 10-8
FIGURE 10-3 probe-scsi-all Output Message 10-8
FIGURE 10-4 probe-ide Output Message 10-9
FIGURE 10-5 watch-net Diagnostic Output Message 10-10
FIGURE 10-6 watch-net-all Diagnostic Output Message 10-10
FIGURE 10-7 Front Panel Power and Fault LEDs 10-13
FIGURE 10-8 Back Panel Ethernet Link, Fault and Power LEDs 10-13
FIGURE 11-1 Replacing the System Configuration Card 11-3
FIGURE 11-2 Removing the System Configuration Card Reader 11-6
FIGURE 11-3 Replacing the Paddleboard at the Back of the DVD or CD-ROM Drive Enclosure 11-8
FIGURE 11-4 The Location of the NVRAM Chip 11-10
FIGURE 11-5 Replacing the NVRAM Chip 11-11
FIGURE 11-6 Unplugging and Removing the Fan 3 Assembly 11-13
FIGURE 11-7 The System Board 11-14
FIGURE 11-8 Replacing the Fan 3 Assembly 11-16
FIGURE 11-9 Replacing the Power Supply Unit 11-18
FIGURE 11-10 Replacing the Rear Fan Subassembly (Fans 1 and 2) 11-20
FIGURE 11-11 Disconnecting the Power Cable for Fan 3 and Lifting the Fan Out 11-21
FIGURE D-1 System Board Jumper Locations and Default Settings D-4