Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software 17
Note – You can switch back to the Embedded LOM command-line interface (CLI)
from the serial console by entering the following key sequence: Esc + Shift + 9. While
logged in to the Embedded LOM, you can type the CLI command
show /SP/AgentInfo to view the current Embedded LOM network configuration.
For instructions on configuring static network settings using the CLI, see “To
Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a Static IP Address” on page 20.
8. Proceed to “Configuring or Installing System Software” on page 25.
Configuring the Embedded LOM SP Using an
Ethernet Connection
The Embedded LOM SP offers several interfaces to support system management on
your server. Before you take advantage of those interfaces over your Ethernet local
area network (LAN), you need to do the following:
■ Establish an Ethernet connection between your server and your Ethernet LAN.
■ Determine the IP address assigned to your SP by your DHCP server or by
following the instructions in “To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a Serial
Connection” on page 15.
Note – As an alternative to having your DHCP server assign an IP address to your
SP, you can also assign a static IP address to it. For this procedure, see “To Configure
the Embedded LOM SP Using a Static IP Address” on page 20.
■ Once you have determined the IP address of the SP, you can access its firmware
applications through a secure command shell (SSH) or a web browser.
▼ To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a
DHCP Server
Establishing an Ethernet management connection involves assigning a static or
dynamic IP address to the RJ-45 Ethernet Management port. Use this procedure to
configure the SP and the DHCP server in your data center to support DHCP