Chapter 2 Setting Up the Server Software 21
Connecting to the ILOM Service
There are two methods for connecting to the ILOM SP to perform initial setup and
configuration. Use the procedure that you prefer:
■ “Connecting to ILOM Using a Serial Connection” on page 21
■ “Connecting to ILOM Using an Ethernet Connection” on page 23
Connecting to ILOM Using a Serial Connection
Use this procedure to establish a serial connection to the ILOM SP so that you can
perform initial configuration of ILOM.
Note – This procedure assumes that you have already completed the hardware
setup and have applied standby power to your server, as described in Chapter 1.
1. Verify that your terminal, laptop, or terminal server is operational.
2. Configure that terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
■ 8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
■ 9600 baud
■ Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
■ Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
3. Connect a serial cable from the RJ-45 SERIAL MGT port on the server’s back
panel to a terminal device. See
FIGURE 1-11 or FIGURE 1-12 for the location of this port.