18 Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2009
Downloading Server-Specific Drivers
This section describes how to download the server-specific driver packages needed
for Windows Server installations.
Note – The Sun Blade X6275 Tools and Drivers DVD contains all of the server-
specific drivers required for Windows Server installations. If you are using the Tools
and Drivers DVD, you can you can skip this section and proceed to “Installing
Server-Specific Device Drivers” on page 19. You can also obtain the latest version of
the Tools and Drivers DVD for the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module by downloading
the updated Tools and Driver DVD image at:
▼ To Download the Server-Specific Drivers
1. Download the drivers for the Sun Blade X6275 Server Module at:
2. Choose one of the following download options:
■ If you are installing the server-specific drivers using media, download
Sun_Blade_X6275_Windows_SWx.x.x_build#.zip to a hard drive
location or media that will be accessible during the installation. Extract the
following sub-packages contained in Windows.zip:
■ InstallPack_x_x_x.exe for Windows Server 2008 installations —
Contains a program to install all server-specific device drivers after
installing Windows Server 2008. You will use this file to install all post
installation server-specific drivers.
■ DriverPack_x_x_x.zip for expert Windows Server WIM users only —
Contains server-specific driver archive for Windows Server, English. You
can use the contents of this zip file if you want to incorporate Sun server
drivers into a Windows Imaging Format (WIM) image. For instructions, see
Appendix A.
■ OptPack_x_x_x.zip for PXE expert users only — Contains supplemental
software archive. Download this zip file if you want to incorporate the
supplemental software into a PXE installation.
■ If you are installing server-specific drivers using a PXE server (advanced
installation), extract the contents of the DriverPack_x_x_x.zip file on to
the PXE server.