With a Sunbeam pump espresso machine
and a little experience, you can create
café-quality coffee at home. Here are a few
helpful suggestions:
• The origin of the bean and roasting will
affect the taste of the espresso, so test
different brands and blends of coffee to
find the one you like best.
• The grind of the coffee is critical. Vary the
degree of grinding to find the right fineness
for the coffee beans being used.
• A regular shot of espresso, the base of
all cafe coffees, is approximately 30mls.
The shot of espresso is a concentrate, so
you will need to vary the quantity of milk
and additional hot water to determine the
strength and volume of the coffee. If you
are using a large cup or mug you may
require a double shot of espresso, rather
than just a single shot depending on your
• Ensure your coffee grinds are ‘tamped’
evenly. ‘Tamping’ refers to the amount
of pressure with which coffee grinds are
packed into the filter.
• If your espresso pours too slowly, tamp the
coffee grind more lightly, or try a coarser
• If your espresso is thin and watery, tamp
the coffee grinds harder, or try a finer
• Always use cold milk and a clean stainless
steel jug when texturing milk.
• Always use the freshest beans or ground
coffee available and store in an airtight
container in a cool, dry, dark place.
• Whole coffee beans stay fresh longer than
pre-ground coffee.
• When grinding your own coffee, never grind
more than you will use for immediate use.
Once ground, the coffee will begin to loose
its goodness.
• Pre-warm cups prior to making an
espresso, either by filling with hot water or
placing on the warming plate.
• Once prepared, serve coffee immediately.
• Keep your espresso machine clean and
thoroughly rinsed. Run water through
the brewing head and flush the steaming
nozzle in fresh water after each use.
Secrets to the perfect cup