
B-10 Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide June 2003
Data is invalid. General error.
Illegal SNMP trap IP address. Illegal IP address format.
Please select a Community String. Select a community string to remove.
Please type a Community String. Type a community string to add.
Trap Manager table is full or data is
Trap Manager table is full or data is invalid
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
You must specify an IP trap
community string.
Type an IP trap community string to add.
Security Authentication type doesn't exist. One of Local, TACACS or RADIUS authentication
type is not supported.
Data is invalid General error.
Illegal IP address. IP address format is illegal.
Number of Server Transmits is out of
RADIUS retransmits number is out of range.
Password too long. Maximum password length exceeded.
Please input username. Input a user name to add a new user.
Please select an user Select a user to remove or change password.
RADUIS KEY is invalid RADIUS encryption key is invalid.
Server Port Number is out of range. RADIUS port number is out of range.
Select a privilege level. Select privilege level to add a user.
TACACS PORT is invalid TACACS port is invalid.
TACACS KEY is invalid TACACS key is invalid.
Timeout is out of range. RADIUS timeout is out of range.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
VLAN Cannot create VLAN. VLAN ID invalid, or maximum number of supported
VLANs has been exceeded.
Cannot set VLAN name. VLAN name invalid.
Cannot set VLAN status. Cannot disable VLAN 1 or the VLAN defined as the
native VLAN (PVID) for the mangement port.
Cannot delete VLAN. Cannot delete VLANs with members or any VLAN
defined as the native VLAN (PVID) for an interface.
TABLE B-4 Web Interface Error Messages (Continued)
Menu Message Description