Installing the Camera Hood
Replacing or Changing the Lens
Installing the Camera Hood
To fit the Camera Hood use a small Philips Head screwdriver to remove the two screws from
the top mounting block. Once these are removed, place the hood on top of the camera casing
with the slots over the screw holes in the casing. Place the mounting block on top of the hood,
then using the screwdriver screw the two screws back into the casing until the hood is
firmly secured.
Replacing or Changing the Lens:
First, make sure the camera hood has been removed, then follow these steps.
(A) Unscrew the front housing of the camera in an anti-clockwise direction
(B) Remove the rubber ring around the camera lens
(C) Carefully remove the LED circuit board from the housing and turn it to one side,
taking care of the wires that go from the underside of the circuit board into
the camera
(D) Unscrew the lens in a counter-clockwise direction and remove it completely
(E) Once the lens is removed, carefully screw the replacement lens (not included) in
a clockwise direction into the lens socket and adjust it for correct focus
(F) When the focus is correct, refit all of the components you have just removed
in reverse order. Reverse this procedure if you wish to refit the Standard lens
Note: The Maxi Day/Night Color Camera will automatically change to a black & white
image using the Infra-Red LEDs when available light is too low to support a clea
color picture.
1. Dörröppningar
5. Receptioner
6. Kassaapparater
7. Blanda
dummies och
riktiga kameror
8. Under
2. Fönster 3. Parkeringar
4. Verandor
Du bör placera dina kameror så att de täcker de områden som är mest utsatta
för risk. Se våra förslag nedan för några idéer:
Här bör du placera säkerhets stickers:
1. På ditt frontfönster.
2. På sidofönster
3. I närheten av entréer – dörrar och grindar
4. I närheten av en dummie-kamera som är
monterad utomhus
5. På frontdisken
6. På kassaapparaten
7. I närheten av en väl synlig kamera
Tips för installation av din kamera