þNOTE: For MST2000 Trans mit ters with CONTINUOUS PURGE OPTION. Do not use a hand pump, or com -
pres sion cyl in der type of pres sure source for the DP test sig nals. You must use a vented source to per -
mit con tin u ous flow of purge air. Con tact the fac tory for ad di tional in for ma tion on cal i brat ing
trans mit ters with con tin u ous purge.
þNOTE: Do not turn off the purge air sup ply to use the trans mit ter as though it does not have the purge
op tion; this will cause er rors.
A. Con nect an ac cu rate test DP sig nal to the MST2000, equal to the 0% min i mum range value.
B. While in the PROGRAMMING MODE, step to the INPUTO pa ram e ter to dis play the ex ist ing value
C. Press the EDIT/SAVE key once to dis play the DP read ing. Use the INCREMENT/DECREMENT
keys as needed to ad just the dis play to match the test DP sig nal value.
D. Press the EDIT/SAVE key to exit the edit mode and to save the INPUT OFFSET value, (even if it
was not changed).
E. Ad just the test DP sig nal to the 100% max i mum range value. Step to the INPUTG pa ram e ter to dis -
play the ex ist ing value of INPUT GAIN.
F. Press the EDIT/SAVE key once to dis play the DP read ing. Use the INCREMENT/DECREMENT
keys as needed to ad just the dis play to match the test DP sig nal value.
G. Press the EDIT/SAVE key to exit the edit mode and to save the INPUT GAIN value.
þNOTE: Changes to INPUTO or INPUTG will af fect both the dis play & the mA for any ap plied DP value.
Ad justing OUTPTO or OUTPTG will af fect only the mA value for any ap plied DP value.
Cal i bra tion of the MST2000 OPERATION MANUAL
Page 34 MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Brandt Instruments, Inc.