Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Vertical Commands
Vertical commands control the display of channels and of main and reference
waveforms. Table 2–22 lists these commands.
The SELect:<wfm> command also selects the waveform many commands in
other command groups use.
You may replace VOLts for SCAle in the vertical commands. This provides
program compatibility with earlier models of Tektronix digitizing oscilloscopes.
Table 2–22: Vertical Commands
Header Description
CH<x>? Return vertical parameters
CH<x>:BANdwidth Channel bandwidth
CH<x>:COUPling Channel coupling
CH<x>:DESKew (TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C) Channel deskew time
CH<x>:IMPedance Channel impedance
CH<x>:OFFSet Channel offset
CH<x>:POSition Channel position
CH<x>:PROBE? Return channel probe attenuation
(TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C)
Return channel probe cal status
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Sets the state of the external attenuation for
the specified channel to the specified value
(TDS 500C & 700C)
Sets the state of the attenuation for the
specified channel to the specified value, in dB
CH<x>:SCAle Channel volts per div
CH<x>:VOLts Same as CH<x>:SCAle
MATH<x>? Return math waveform definition
MATH<x>:DEFine Define math waveform
(TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C,
some models require Option 2F)
Acquisition number at which to begin
exponential averaging
(TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C,
some models require Option 2F)
Math waveform averaging on or off
SELect? Return selected waveform
SELect:CONTROl Front-panel channel selector
SELect:<wfm> Set selected waveform