Logic Triggering
Define a Time Qualified Pattern Trigger
You can also time qualify a pattern logic trigger. That is, you specify a time
that the boolean logic function (AND, NAND, OR, or NOR) must be TRUE
(logic high). You also choose the type of time qualification (greater or less
than the time limit specified) as well as the time limit using the Trigger When
menu selection.
1. Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Logic (popĆup) ➞
Class (main) ➞ Pattern (popĆup) ➞ Trigger When (main) ➞ True for
less than or True for more than (side).
2. Use the knob and keypad to set the time in the side menu.
When you select True for less than and specify a time using the general
purpose knob, the input conditions you specify must drive the logic function
high (TRUE) for less than the time you specify. Conversely, True for more
than requires the boolean function to be TRUE for longer than the time you
Note the position of the trigger indicator in Figure 3Ć43. Triggering occurs at
the point the logic function you specify is determined to be true within the
time you specify. The digitizing oscilloscope determines the trigger point in
the following manner:
H It waits for the logic condition to become true
H It starts timing and waits for the logic function to become false
H It compares the times and, if the time TRUE is longer (for True for more
than) or shorter (for True for less than), then it triggers a waveform
display at the point the logic condition became false. This time can be,
and usually is, different from the time set for True for more than or True
for less than.
In Figure 3Ć43, the delay between the vertical bar cursors is the time the
logic function is TRUE. Since this time is more (216 ms) than that set in the
True for more than menu item (150 ms), the oscilloscope issues the trigger
at that point, not at the point at which it has been true for 216 ms.