TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
A timing measurement between two waveforms of the amount one
leads or lags the other in time. Phase is expressed in degrees,
where 360° comprise one complete cycle of one of the waveforms.
Waveforms measured should be of the same frequency or one
waveform should be a harmonic of the other.
A visible point on the display. The oscilloscope display is 640 pixels
wide by 480 pixels high.
PopĆup Menu
A subĆmenu of a main menu. PopĆup menus temporarily occupy
part of the waveform display area and are used to present additional
choices associated with the main menu selection. You can cycle
through the options in a popĆup menu by repeatedly pressing the
main menu button underneath the popĆup.
Positive duty cycle
A timing measurement of the ratio of the positive pulse width to the
signal period, expressed as a percentage.
Positive overshoot
Amplitude (voltage) measurement.
PositiveOvershoot +
Max * High
Positive width
A timing measurement of the distance (time) between two amplitude
points Ċ risingĆedge MidRef (default 50%) and fallingĆedge MidRef
(default 50%) Ċ on a positive pulse.
The specified portion of the waveform record that contains data
acquired after the trigger event.
The specified portion of the waveform record that contains data
acquired before the trigger event.
An oscilloscope input device.
The process of converting an analog input that has been sampled,
such as a voltage, to a digital value.
Probe compensation
Adjustment that improves lowĆfrequency response of a probe.
Pulse trigger
A trigger mode in which triggering occurs if the oscilloscope finds a
pulse, of the specified polarity, with a width between, or optionally
outside, the userĆspecified lower and upper time limits.