
Installation DNI-1B User Manual
Telect, Inc. 108891 Issue A Rev 2
In the above table, the first shaded row is the capacity for a 7-ft bay. The
second shaded row is the capacity for an 8-ft bay; the last shaded row is for
an 11.5-ft bay.
641–704 561–616 11 88 27.28 22
705–768 617–672 12 96 29.76 24
769–832 673–728 13 104 32.24 26
833–896 729–784 14 112 34.72 28
897–960 785–840 15 120 37.20 30
961–1024 841–896 16 128 39.68 32
1025–1088 897–952 17 136 42.16 34
1089–1152 953–1008 18 144 44.64 36
1153–1216 1009–1064 19 152 47.12 38
1217–1280 1065–1120 20 160 49.60 40
1281–1344 1121–1176 21 168 52.08 42
1345–1408 1177–1232 22 176 54.56 44
1409–1472 1233–1288 24 184 57.04 46
1473–1536 1289–1344 24 192 59.52 48
1537–1600 1345–1400 25 200 62.00 50
1601–1664 1401–1456 26 208 64.48 52
1665–1728 1457–1512 27 216 66.96 54
1729–1792 1513–1568 28 224 69.44 56
1793–1856 1569–1624 29 232 71.92 58
1857–1920 1625–1680 30 240 74.40 60
1921–1984 1681–1736 31 248 76.88 62
1985–2048 1737–1792 32 256 79.36 64
2049–2112 1793–1848 33 264 81.84 66
2113–2176 1849–1904 34 272 84.32 68
2177–2240 1905–1960 35 280 86.80 70
2241–2304 1961–2016 36 288 89.28 72
2305–2368 2017–2072 37 296 91.76 74
Panels Total Cables
Cable Space
Needed per Side
of Bay (in.
EIA Bay Spaces
128 112