14. Program name:
This box displays the name of the file containing the current program. If you are
creating a new program, it will read "Untitled Program".
15. New:
If you click this button, the whole panel you are currently creating will be deleted,
and a new program will be created. If you click this button while in the middle of
creating a program, a save dialog window will open, allowing you to choose whether to
save the current program.
16. Save as:
This saves the program under another name. This useful when you want to edit an existing
program and save the revised version as a new program. When you click "Save as", a
save dialog window will open, allowing you to input the new name.
17. Save:
By clicking this button, you can overwrite the program you are currently creating. If
this is a new program, clicking "Save" will cause the save dialog window to appear,
allowing you to input the filename.
Open Dialog
18. Load:
By clicking this button, you can open a program you have previously saved. All program
files will end with the extension "rob". If you are in the middle of creating another
program, a window will appear, asking you whether you want to save this program.
To save dialog window
It is a good idea to save your program
to the "Robot" folder inside the "Robot
Works" folder.
Save Dialog
Input filename here
Select the file you
want to open
How to Read Blocks
This section explains how to read the sensor blocks and command blocks on the Panel
screen. Command categories are indicated by icons. In this example, the blocks are
"if the left antenna touches something", "go three steps back at high speed", and "rotate
six steps to the right at low speed".
Operations Carried Out on the Panel Screen
1. A sensor block can be placed on top of a blue square on the panel. A command block
can be placed on top of a pink triangle in the same way. Blocks are moved by dragging-
and-dropping using the mouse.
2. Up to 10 sensors can be used per panel. Up to 8 command blocks can be linked to a
sensor block.
3. If you line up the desired command blocks on the right of sensor block, the corresponding
commands will be executed - in order, starting with the leftmost block - when the
sensor reacts. This is called "linking commands to a sensor block". When the sensor
block is activated, its linked commands will also be activated in sequence.
4. In a program using several sensor blocks, if two or more sensors react simultaneously,
the sensor which is highest on the panel will take priority.
5. The "No reaction" sensor block is a special block. It should always be used as the
last line in any program.
6. A single panel may contain up to 121 blocks, counting sensor blocks as 1 and command
blocks as 2.
How to Edit Blocks
Double-clicking a sensor block or a command block will automatically take you to the
corresponding Block Factory screen. Here, you can edit the block (by changing the command,
the sensor, the number of steps, and so on).
How to Eliminate Unwanted Blocks
Command blocks and sensor blocks that you want to get rid of can be
erased from the screen by dragging-and-dropping them on the Trash can
icon in the top right corner of the Panel screen.
Switching Panels
Robot Works has 8 panels which can be input into a program. By clicking one of the
panel numbers at the top left, you can view the corresponding panel. You can input a
different program in each panel. In the case of the illustration below, Panel 1 is the
panel displayed on the screen.
If you click any other number,
the corresponding panel will
appear on the screen.
Command icon
Forward Back
Speed of movement stands for "High
Speed", blank stands for "Low Speed".
Movement command: number of steps
Stop command: number of seconds, to stay
Voice command: number of cries
Sensor categorize
Arrows indicate direction of movement
Number stands for of steps,
seconds, turns, etc.
Using Panels
Within a program file, you can use the "Switch panel" command to switch to any given
panel (use the number keys in the Command Block Factory to input the number of the
desired panel) and make the robot execute the behavior-patterns specified by that
panel. When the WonderBorg is activated, it always starts from Panel 1.
A sensor block is
a blue square
Command block is red or
green square (with
rounded edges).