Accessory Hose Reel
1. Prepare container according to FoodSaver
Accessory Guidelines, which are included with
accessory purchases.
2. Pull Accessory Hose (D) from appliance and
insert the end into the port on accessory.
Twist tab while inserting to ensure a tight fit.
3. Push Accessory Mode Button
to begin
vacuum process. Motor will run until vacuum
process is complete. (To Marinate, follow
instructions found in Marinate Button section
of this Guide on page 16.)
4. When motor turns off, gently twist and remove
Accessory Hose from accessory.
Note: If you are using a canister with large white
knob, rotate knob clockwise to the “Closed”
position, then gently twist and remove Accessory
Hose from accessory.
5. To test vacuum, simply tug on accessory lid.
It should not move.
6. To retract accessory hose, while holding unit,
gently pull on hose end to allow hose to retract
into appliance. Do not release freely as it may
damage the hose tip.
Important: When pulling hose Do Not extend
beyond green circle marked on hose.
Vacuum Sealing Accessories
Avoid wrinkles when inserting the bag into the
Vacuum Channel (E).
Wrinkles in seal may cause leakage and allow air
to return into bag. To eliminate any wrinkles while
inserting bag, curl down into the Vacuum Channel
(E), hold bag with two hands gently stretching bag
flat until vacuum pump begins. If you find wrinkles
after sealing bag, simply cut bag open and vacuum
seal again.
If motor runs for more than 30 seconds without
stopping, consider the following:
If you are vacuum sealing with a bag, make sure
the bag is properly sealed. (See “How to Make a
Bag From a Roll” on page 9.) Check foam gasket
around Upper Bag Detection Tray (O) to make sure
it is free from food material. Do not attempt to
remove gasket.
If vacuum sealing with an accessory, check
Accessory Hose connections to ensure a tight fit.
Removing Air from a Bag
Note: Appliance should be used in vertical orientation and not laid on its back.
Note: Appliance will time out after a couple of minutes if vacuum cannot be reached.
www.foodsaver.com 1-877-804-5383
www.foodsaver.com 1-877-804-5383