Average speed check camera warnings
There are several types of visual and audible warnings that you may see and hear when
you meet an average speed check camera.
You always receive a start and end zone warning regardless of the speed you are travelling
at. Intermediate warnings, if given, occur every 200 meters.
All the warnings are described below:
Toll road
This type of camera monitors traffic at toll road barriers.
speed check
This type of speed camera checks the average speed of vehicles
between two fixed points.
This type of camera checks traffic on roads where access is restricted.
Other camera
All other types of camera that do not fall into any of the above catego-
Start of zone warning
As you approach the start of an average speed check zone, you see a
visual warning in the top left hand corner of the Driving View with a dis-
tance to the camera underneath it. You hear an audible warning.
You also see a small icon on the road showing the position of the aver-
age speed check camera at the start of the zone.
Intermediate warning - type 1
Once in the speed check zone, if you are not speeding and have already
received a start of zone warning, you see a visual warning in the Driving
View. This reminds you that you are still in the speed check zone.
Intermediate warning - type 2
Once in the speed check zone, if you are driving at over 100% of the
permitted speed and have already received a start of zone warning, you
see a visual warning in the Driving View indicating the maximum per-
mitted speed. You also hear a small audible warning. These warnings
are there to remind you to slow down...