
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h1940
DA-11660 North America — Version 6 — July 11, 2003 7
NOTE: Optional accessories are available at additional cost.
Memory/Storage 64-MB SD Memory Card 253478-B21 FA134A#AC3
128-MB SD Memory Card 253479-B21 FA135A#AC3
256-MB SD Memory Card 287464-B21 FA136A#AC3
1GB IBM Microdrive 217390-B25 DC379A
Power 900 mAH Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery 331315-B21 FA114A#AC3
Auto Adapter 253508-B21 FA125A#AC3
Charger Adapter 274707-B21 FA133A#AC3
AC Adapter 253629-001 FA130A#ABA
Synchronization USB Desktop Cradle/Charger (USB only) 331317-B21 FA112A#AC3
Other Stylus Three-pack 331311-B21 FA113#AC3
Cases Nylon Case 339657-B21 FA161A#AC3
Leather Belt Case 339656-B21 FA160A#AC3
Custom Cases: to view and order go to: http://www.ecases.com
HP iPAQ Pocket PC is a Microsoft® Windows® Powered Pocket PC
For more information on HP iPAQ Pocket PC, visit our website at http://www.hp.com/go/iPAQ
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